Virtual Agent Analytics Overview: Tiles
Analytics is available for all deployed virtual agents. It opens on the Overview tab which contains four tiles and two reports: Conversions and Intents.
Total Sessions
The number of search sessions in which virtual agent is consulted at least once. A user can converse with a chatbot multiple times in a session without increasing the Total Sessions count. Total Sessions increases only when user lands on a platform where SearchUnify is installed and launches the virtual agent at least once before the search session expires.
Total Conversations
Each instance of launching the virtual agent is a conversation. A user can click the virtual agent icon to start a conversation and later close the chat window. Because a search session can host more than one conversations, total conversations can be more than total sessions.
Successful Conversations
The total number of conversations that meet the criteria for success as defined in Settings. For instance, you can define success as those conversations in which the end-user leaves a feedback. Or, you can define successful as those conversations in which the end-user doesn't create a case and doesn't ask to be connected to a live agent. All the criteria and their usage can be found on Creative ways to measure virtual agent success.
Coverage is the ratio of intents triggered to free utterances.
A free utterance is a text input. Clicking on a link, selecting an option, or responding to a bot are all utterances but not free utterances. Only those utterances are free utterances in which a user inputs text that starts a new conversation and the bot looks for matching intents.
To Download the tiles data, click the downward arrow on the top right of the tiles section.
The report is downloaded as a Analytics_Overview_Times.csv file in two columns.