Reasons to Connect a Virtual Agent with a Search Client

Each virtual agent is linked with a search client. Picking one for a virtual agent means deciding where the interactions will take place.

  • Decide Availability. If the search client is hosted on, then the virtual agent linked with it is be available only on

  • Generate Utterances and Intents from Search Data. Virtual Agents rely on SearchUnify's proprietary AI and NLP technologies. AI detects patterns in conversations and suggests new intents to admins and the job of NLP is to deconstruct user utterances and trigger the most relevant response during a conversation. Both technologies are smart to begin with, but their performance becomes more impressive when they are fed search data, which comes from the connected search client connected.
  • Regular Behavior. Search client data gives your virtual agent its identity. If the virtual agent is connected with a search client installed on a physics community it will sound nerdy. The one getting its search data from a ticket logging platform may come across as fussy.
  • Define Language. But the most visible impact is the choice of the tongue. Your virtual agent can greet users with a Привет! (Hello!), ask them Qu'est-ce que c'est que voulez-vous? (What is it that you want?) and bid 再见 (goodbyle) — all depending upon the search client language. If the search results are in French, your chatbot will become a Francophone, and if the search client language is set to Chinese, then the virtual agent can assist users from China, Singapore, Taiwan, and many other places where Chinese is spoken.

Select your search client wisely because, unlike other configurations, there is no way to pick a new one. The only way to change the search client is to create a new agent.

Last updatedTuesday, May 28, 2024

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