Empower Users to Post on Your community from Bot with Lithium Adapter

Lithium adapter functionality empowers the chatbot to provide a facility to the user on the chat client to post a discussion on the lithium community.

Installing Lithium Adapter

The admin shall click on the Lithium Adapter and the following screen opens which shall ask the admin to click either Activate or Deactivate radio buttons.

Clicking on the Activate radio button and saving it shall allow the admin to create Lithium responses under the conversation tab. On the chat client the user shall successfully post discussion on Lithium community.

To confirm whether the adapter is successfully configured, the admin can navigate to the Conversation, open a node for editing, and view Options. If Lithium Adapter is a selection, then the adapter has been successfully configured.

Once the response is set with Lithium the admin shall further see the following values as shown in the picture given below.

Last updatedTuesday, May 28, 2024

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