Pre-Installation Tasks for Salesforce Virtual Agent Installation

It is recommended that you perform these tasks before completing the installation of SUVA Virtual Agent on a Salesforce-powered community. But if you have completed the installation already, the chatbot component may not be visible on your community. To view the SUVA chatbot component on your Salesforce-powered community, make sure that you have completed the below-mentioned instructions in your Salesforce Org.

Remote Site Settings

Create two remote sites, 1. For Community URL, 2. For Service Endpoint (SearchUnify instance URL), and a third one for Chatbot Package URL ( if you haven't already).

  1. Log into your Salesforce instance and go to the Setup page.
  2. Use Quick Find Box to navigate to Remote Site Settings.
  3. Click New Remote Site.
  4. Enter a name and description.
  5. The Remote Site URL is your Service Endpoint, which you can find in the readme.txt file.
  6. Click Save.

Repeat the process to create another remote site for your Salesforce Community URL. Your community URL can be found from SetupAll Sites > Copy your community URL.

Trusted URLs

Add your Service Endpoint, given in the readme.txt file, to the Trusted URLs. Given below are the instructions on how to do that:

  1. From your Salesforce admin panel, go to Setup.

  2. Use Quick Find Box to find Trusted URLs and open it.

  3. Click New Trusted URL.

  4. Enter the following details:

    A) API Name. Give your trusted URL a label.

    B) URL. Enter your Service Endpoint, given in the readme.txt file.

    C) Description (Optional). You can skip this part.

    D) Active. Check this to mark the site as active.

    E) CSP Context. Select All.

    F) CSP Directives. Check all the directives; i) connect-src (scripts), ii) font-src (fonts), iii) frame-src (iframe content), iv) img-src (images), v) media-src (audio and video), vi) style-src (stylesheets) (as shown in the below image).

  5. Save the settings.

  6. Repeat the same steps to add the following URL to the Trusted URLs:

    • wss://{Service Endpoint as provided in readme.txt file} - This URL is required for running the Speech-to-text and Text-to-speech operations in your SUVA-powered chatbot. If your Service Endpoint is, the corresponding Trusted URL to add would be wss://

That's all. Now, you shouldn't come across any trouble while configuring your SUVA Virtual Agent in Salesforce. In case you still encounter an issue, feel free to write to our support team.

Last updatedThursday, February 13, 2025